Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010)

Still one of the most electrifying movies I’ve ever seen. The premise is hilarious, the story of MBW is brilliant satire (whether or not it was constructed by Banksy) but my main take away from this movie every time is “Goddammit, I WISH I WAS UP THERE ON THOSE ROOFS.” even though I have no artistic talent and am scared of heights. The thrill of watching (debatably victimless) crimes being committed was enough for me, Banksy. Everything else was just showing off. A

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)

Exact same premise as the first film, but the better characters and more sophisticated escalation of scares make this a LOT more effective. The found footage conceit even makes more sense (but still not much) this time around. If only it didn’t have the baggage of a mythology. C+

Jackass 3D (2010)

Not seeing this in theaters is still one of my biggest regrets. I honestly feel unqualified to give my opinion having only seen this in two dimensions at home, instead of in 3D with a wild crowd. All I can really say is that I’m glad this took the bigger approach of the second film, and that while I’m happy that Steve-O is now drug free, his sober lack of enthusiasm is a real bummer at points. B