Scream 4 (2011)

Calling this the best of the Scream sequels is faint praise, but faint praise is all it really deserves. I think the third act almost redeems it, but if you found nothing to enjoy in 2 & 3, you probably won’t like this. C+

Scream (1996)

At this point I’ve seen this movie enough to have it memorized, start to finish. It’s interest in the whodunnit aspects tend to kill any kind of character arc they were going for with Sidney (the Maureen Prescott backstory is so briefly touched upon it makes this movie almost feel like a sequel with obligatory audience catch-up exposition as opposed to real exposition) but since I think Neve Campbell is a pretty boring actor, that works for me. All the other parts I love (Dewey, kitchen scene, opening) I still love and all the other parts I hate (smugness, boring kills, bathroom scene) I really hate. Still a fan. B