The Infernal Boiling Pot (1903)

Certainly my favorite Méliès horror film so far. A little goblin dude prances around a cauldron that he shoves innocent people into and boils alive to summon some spooo-ooo-oooky ghosts. Weird that this hasn’t shown up in a Rob Zombie music video yet. Beautifully hand-colored with some truly effective double exposure for the ghost FX. What a delight!

The Haunted Castle (1896)

Another one of the earliest “horror” films ever, courtesy of Georges Méliès. This one, I suppose, is the first “action horror” film ever, though of course in the context of 1890’s filmmaking that mostly just means “a sword fight happens with Satan” (played by Méliès himself). Apparently an alternate title to this was “The House of the Devil”. Well, it’s about as exciting as the Ti West film, so maybe Ti was doing as much an homage to 1896 horror films as he was 1986 horror films. Too bad his wasn’t three minutes long, though.